Cape May Hurricane Sandy Update / Red Cross Information

Cape May Safe & Sound

A Quick Update: Given the damage that Hurricane Sandy spread up and down the East Coast, Cape May was fortunate to have come through relatively unscathed. There was some flooding — 6 feet of sand washed over the bulkhead near New York and Maryland Avenues — but all in all our town was very lucky. 

longfellow-guest-house-after storm copy.png

Longfellow House Photos — Post Storm 

A few guests checked in on us (thank you!) and asked how the house made out. The photos here are from early Tuesday AM by photographer Tina Merwin, and shows downed branches and leaves were about the extent of the damage. We are extremely fortunate. 

Red Cross Donations

We donated to help others who were less fortuntate, and we ask that if you are able, please do the same. Even small donations, when added up, can make a big difference in the lives of those who have lost so much. And don't forget to be careful — catastrophic events where people are in need and vulnerable, tends to bring out the scam artists. If you want to make sure your donation gets to the fronts lines, we'd recommend the Red Cross and Salvation Army.  

Donate to the Redcross here. You can donate to the Red Cross through itunes here  

And here's the link to the Salvation Army.

Stay safe and warm, help out where you can, and all the best for the upcoming holidays. 

Posted on November 3, 2012 .